SEO Basics For Beginners: Complete Basics To Rank In 30 Days

by | Dec 29, 2022 | Informative, SEO Guide

In this article, we will cover the basics of SEO for beginners and provide you with a clear understanding of the key concepts that will help you optimize your website and improve its search engine ranking.

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and is the process of optimizing your website with keywords and other tactics to get it ranked higher in search engine results.

SEO is critically important to your online marketing success as nearly 60% of all traffic on the web starts with a Google search. If you add in the traffic originating from other major search engines like YouTube, Facebook, Bing, and Yahoo, this figure is even higher with 71% of all traffic coming from searches.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing a website to increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. In today’s digital age, having a website is not enough to attract visitors and potential customers

If you’re a beginner, understanding SEO can be overwhelming – but with the SEO basics for beginners that we cover in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of SEO!

What is Seo and How Does it Works?

Keyword Research Importance in SEO Basics for Begginers

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engines like Google. It involves a variety of factors that help search engines understand the content and relevance of a website, and it aims to improve the visibility and ranking of a website on search engines. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engines like Google. When a user types a query into a search engine, the search engine uses algorithms to determine the relevance and quality of websites that match the query and ranks them accordingly.

There are several key elements to SEO, but here are some SEO basics for beginners including:

Keyword Research:

Keywords are the terms and phrases that people use to search for information on the internet. To optimize your website for search engines, you’ll need to identify the keywords that are relevant to your business or website and incorporate them into your content.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do keyword research:

Identify Your Target Audience: Identify the target audience for your website or business. Consider their demographics, interests, and behaviors to understand what they’re searching for.

Brainstorm Relevant Topics: Brainstorm a list of relevant topics related to your business or industry. Think about the products or services you offer and the problems your target audience is trying to solve.

Use Keyword Research Tools: Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz Keyword Explorer to identify high-value keywords related to your topics. These tools provide information about keyword search volume, competition, and related keywords.

Analyze Keyword Data: Analyze the keyword data to identify the most relevant and valuable keywords for your business. Look for keywords with high search volume and low competition, which means it’s easier to rank for these keywords.

Prioritize and Organize Keywords: Prioritize and organize your list of keywords based on relevance, search volume, and competition. Group similar keywords together and create a list of primary and secondary keywords to target in your content.

Use Keywords in Content: Use your targeted keywords in your website’s content, including blog posts, product descriptions, and page titles. Ensure that your content is relevant and informative, and avoid overusing keywords, which can negatively impact your search engine ranking.

On-Page optimization:

On-page optimization refers to the process of optimizing the content and structure of your website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engines. The following things are included in on-page optimization;

Conduct Keyword Research: Identify the keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for on search engines. Use keyword research tools to find high-value keywords that you can target with your content.

Create High-Quality Content: Create original, informative, and engaging content that provides value to your users. Incorporate your target keywords into your content and ensure that your content is well-structured, easy to read, and optimized for both search engines and users.

Optimize Page Titles and Meta Descriptions: Use your targeted keywords in your page titles and meta descriptions to improve their visibility in search engine results. Ensure that your titles and meta descriptions are relevant and provide a clear description of your content.

Optimize Headings and Subheadings: Use headings and subheadings to break up your content into sections and make it easier to read. Use your target keywords in your headings and ensure that they are relevant to the content of each section.

Optimize Images: Optimize your images by using descriptive file names and alt tags that include your target keywords. Ensure that your images are optimized for size and quality, and use a relevant caption for each image.

Improve Page Speed: Improve your website’s page speed by optimizing image size, minimizing the use of plugins, and enabling caching. A faster website will improve user experience and improve your search engine rankings.

Ensure Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive to different devices. With the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s essential to provide a seamless mobile experience to attract more traffic to your website.


Off-Page optimization:

Another impportant  factor in SEO Basics for beginners list is off page optimization. Off-page optimization refers to the process of improving the ranking of your website by building high-quality backlinks from other websites. Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website, and they are an important factor in how search engines determine the quality and relevance of your website.

Build High-Quality Backlinks: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites in your industry. Backlinks are links from other websites to your website and are a crucial factor in search engine ranking. Ensure that the websites linking to your website are relevant and trustworthy.

Guest Blogging: Guest blogging is a strategy that involves writing a blog post for another website or blog. Guest blogging can help you build relationships with other websites in your industry and attract more traffic to your website.

Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing involves promoting your website and content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Use social media to engage with your target audience, share your content, and build your brand.

Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing involves partnering with influencers in your industry to promote your website and content. Influencers are people with a significant following on social media and can help you reach a larger audience.

Directory Listings: Submit your website to relevant business directories, industry-specific directories, and local directories. Directory listings can help you build backlinks, improve your search engine ranking, and attract more traffic to your website.

Online Reputation Management: Manage your online reputation by monitoring and responding to reviews, comments, and feedback about your website and brand. A positive online reputation can improve your search engine ranking and attract more traffic to your website.

Technical SEO:

Next important  factor in SEO Basics for beginners list is technical SEO. Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing the technical aspects of your website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engines. This includes things like ensuring that your website loads quickly, is mobile-friendly, and has a secure (https) connection.

Conduct a Technical Audit: Conduct a technical audit of your website to identify any technical issues that may affect your search engine ranking and user experience. Use technical SEO tools to identify issues like broken links, crawl errors, duplicate content, and slow page speed.

Optimize Site Structure: Optimize your website’s structure by using a clear and organized hierarchy of pages and content. Ensure that your website’s navigation is easy to use and that your pages are linked together logically.

Improve Site Speed: Improve your website’s speed by optimizing images, compressing files, minimizing HTTP requests, and enabling caching. A faster website will improve user experience and search engine ranking.

Implement HTTPS: Implement HTTPS on your website to improve security and user trust. HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP that encrypts user data and protects it from hackers.

Optimize for Mobile: Ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices and is responsive to different screen sizes. With the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s essential to provide a seamless mobile experience to attract more traffic to your website.

Implement Schema Markup: Implement schema markup on your website to provide search engines with additional information about your content. Schema markup can help improve your search engine ranking and visibility.

Monitor and Improve Site Performance: Continuously monitor your website’s performance using technical SEO tools and analytics. Make necessary improvements to your website’s technical elements to improve its search engine ranking and user experience.


Last but not least important  factor in SEO Basics for beginners list is tracking analytics. To track the effectiveness of your SEO efforts, you’ll need to use analytics tools like Google Analytics. These tools allow you to see how much traffic your website is getting, where it’s coming from, and what people are doing on your website.

By optimizing for these factors, you can improve the ranking of your website on search engines and increase its visibility to potential customers or users. However, it’s important to note that SEO is an ongoing process, and you’ll need to continuously monitor and optimize your website to maintain and improve its ranking.

Best Search Engine Optimizations Techniques

1. Trick One-Optimize your Site For Search Engine

Hand with magnifying glass Representing SEO

The trick to winning with SEO is to optimize your site for the search engine you want to rank highly on. Whether that’s Google, Bing, Amazon or YouTube, you must make sure a search engine sees your site as the best answer to a person’s search. How the different search engines determine the best result is based on a unique algorithm that evaluates several different factors including quality of content, backlinks uptime traffic, and speed.

Search Engine Optimization SEO is the art of getting targeted traffic to a website or page from a search engine. Organic Rankings SEO includes creating high value content, optimizing that content around specific keywords, and building high authority backlinks.

2.Trick 2: About Content Quality

Creating Effective Content on sticky notes isolated on white background.

Another important  factor in SEO Basics for beginners is is your content quality and the amount of traffic your website gets. If you had to boil a great SEO strategy down to one simple sentence, it would be that you should aim to create a website people love.

Search engines are set up to measure several different signals across the web so they can crawl it and find the most popular websites. You can’t cheat this, but you can game search by making sure you send out all the right signals and ensuring those signals are authentic and not artificial.

Google’s highest ranking articles all have a word count of between 1900 to 2200 words. This is so searchers. Get comprehensive information from a helpful article that addresses the exact issue the searcher is querying about. Evergreen Content is Best. An article on the top four best smartphones is going to go out of date as fast as new models are released. An article like that is only good for a short period of time and won’t generate you continuous hits over a longer period.

If you’re creating text based content, the most important factor is how unique it is. If you haven’t taken the trouble to ensure your content is fresh and original and are just lazily using the same phrases and keywords as everyone else, then you’re not going to score highly.

Here, you will learn smart tricks that will help you cleverly choose your words so you rank above your competition. The trick is to use certain words and place them in specific spots, and you’ll discover exactly how to do this. If you apply our tactics, you’ll boost the search engine ranking your text based content gets even if you already rate well and even if your content is in a popular or overcrowded niche.

3. Trick Three: Modern Seo Technique

Search Engine Optimization Basic Step

Modern SEO goes far beyond meta tags and backlinks. You also need to get up to speed with featured snippets, rich snippets, video snippets, voice search, and video SEO as well as Google Ranking.

4. Trick Four-Visual Effects

If you want to keep people reading, it’s also important to include visuals in your text, or they’ll just switch off. Use clean layouts with plenty of subheaders to break up blocks of text, and incorporate pictures, charts, infographics and video to annotate your copy. Video is especially affected, as studies have found visitors will spend much more time on pages that have this type of content embedded. Layout is important too, as misclass or awkwardly positioned multimedia will only confuse your readers. In this course, you’ll learn how to create great layouts that encourage people to stay engaged with your content.

Image Optimization in SEO Basic

5. Trick Five-Importance of Backlinking

Another important  factor in SEO Basics for beginners list is backlinks and good reviews. Getting good reviews from your professional peers or recognition from people in your industry sector is another way to boost your position in search. Google uses each system, which looks at the expertise, authority and trustworthiness of your site to assess the legitimacy of your content and will rank you accordingly.

It’s helpful to think of the system as a kind of Internet credit check, which you can build up and strengthen by taking certain actions. Backlinks are a great way to improve your EAT score, as Google tracks these to see how many people are linking back to your page. Lesser known sites give you a smaller score, while more popular websites give you a better boost, so it’s wise to try and get props from the bigger players.

It’s also much better to have relevant links from sites within your niche rather than general links from random sites, so focus on targeting those sector specific. Sites authors are also crucial, and if you can always attribute your content to recognize experts or people who have higher Each scores.

This factor is ultra important when it comes to building your brand’s authority and protecting its reputation as both people and search engines will look to see if the information you’re putting out there comes from credible sources. Google also looks at your mentions to see what others are saying about you on other sites. If a lot of people are trashing your brand on high authority sites, this will negatively affect your score.

Backlinks Importance for SEO Basics

6. Trick Six-Proper Layout

To ensure your content meshes well with search engine algorithms, you need to make sure your website is laid out clearly so Google can easily crawl it for keywords. You should aim to evenly divide up your page into sections instead of just posting everything as one big blob. This will not only aid Google, it will also help your readers and encourage them to stick around. Finally, don’t forget Google ranking factors. You don’t have to master all 200 to succeed.

Photo of business suit and tie with BLOG concept paper cards

7. Spend Time on Keywords, meta, and Tags


Instead, you focus on the smaller set of factors that will make the biggest difference to your search position. Top six SEO Success Tips You can follow to boost your Discoverability and place your main keyword early. Use your primary keyword as high up in your content as possible, preferably in the first 25 words, as Google places more relevance on terms that appear at the top of a web page. Original use unique titles alongside fresh descriptions, content meta description tags, and image alt text, because Google will score you much higher.

In fact, they’ve even stated that to rank well, you must avoid having duplicate or near duplicate versions of your content across your sites. Tweak your title tag. Use one keyword per title and front load your keyword by using it as early as possible in your tag.

Spend some time thinking up and creating engaging and compelling titles that will make people stop, click through and then share. The more click throughs and shares you receive, the higher your SEO ranking will climb.

Keywords Research for SEO

8. Trick Eight-Website Loading Speed


nOptimizing your site loading speed is an important factor if you are learning SEO basic tactics for beginers and if you want to rank highly. So much so Google explicitly says so in their policy, despite not typically mentioning ranking factors. Compress your images, use lightweight themes and consider using lazy loading, which can boost your site speed by up to 50%. Monitor your ranking. Use the Google Search console to track your progress, particularly the performance, coverage and enhancements reports.

The performance report will allow you to track your keyword, discoverability and click through rate, allowing you to see what works and what doesn’t. This will help you refine your approach over time. Use coverage to check for any indexing errors, and fix these as soon as possible.

Indexing errors may mean Google can’t crawl your site, so it’s important to get rid of them to ensure your page can be found. Enhancements will let you assess your mobile usability, a vital factor considering how many people access content through their smartphones.

Website Loading Speed Importance for SEO

9. Trick Nine-Internal Linking


Google’s index is now mobile first, making it even more important to ensure this area is optimized. Use internal linking. Add links from one page to another on your site and use keyword rich anchor text to tell Google what your page is about. Make sure your anchor text always includes your main keyword to maximize the effect.

Don’t just link random pages, though. Make sure the pages you link are relevant to each other to ensure an optimum score.

You can use internal linking to boost pages that have a low link authority, helping to boost their Google score. A great way to do this is to link older pages, which tend to have a higher link authority, to newer content.

Internal and External Linking Importance in SEO


What are the 5 important concepts of SEO?

There are five important SEO basics for beginners that every webmaster should be aware of:

1. Keyword Research: In order to identify the best keywords to target for your website, you need to carry out keyword research. This involves analyzing relevant search terms and identifying which ones are most likely to result in visitors finding your website.

2. On-Page Optimization: Once you know which keywords to target, you need to optimize your website’s on-page elements (such as title tags and meta descriptions) to ensure that your site is as relevant as possible for those keywords.

3. Link Building: Link building is one of the most important aspects of SEO, and involves obtaining links from high-quality websites back to your own site. These links help to improve your site’s authority and visibility in the search engines.

4. Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook can be used to promote your website and its content, helping to increase traffic levels and boost your SEO efforts.

5. Monitoring & Reporting: Finally, it’s important to monitor your website’s performance in the search engines on an ongoing basis, and to use reporting tools (such as Google Analytics) to track progress and identify any areas that need improvement.

What should I learn first in SEO?

The first things you should learn in SEO are keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. These are fundamental concepts if you are learning SEO basics for beginners that will help you understand how to optimize your website for search engines and attract more traffic.

What are the 3 C's of SEO?

The 3 C’s of SEO refer to Content, Code, and Credibility. These are the three fundamental elements that impact a website’s search engine ranking and visibility. Here’s a brief overview of each of the 3 C’s:

Content: Content refers to the text, images, videos, and other media that appear on your website. High-quality and relevant content that provides value to your users is crucial for SEO success. Creating original, informative, and engaging content can help attract and retain visitors to your website, and improve your search engine ranking.

Code: Code refers to the underlying structure and technology that powers your website. Search engines prefer websites with clean, well-organized, and easily navigable code. Improving the technical aspects of your website such as site speed, mobile optimization, and site architecture can positively impact your search engine ranking.

Credibility: Credibility refers to the authority and trustworthiness of your website in the eyes of search engines and users. Backlinks from other high-quality websites, positive reviews, and social media presence are all factors that can impact your website’s credibility. Establishing a reputation as a credible and trustworthy source of information can improve your website’s visibility and search engine ranking.

What are the 4 stages of SEO?

The 4 stages of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are:

Technical SEO: This includes optimizing website speed, ensuring that the website is mobile-friendly, improving website architecture, and ensuring that the website is easy to navigate.

On-Page SEO: This includes optimizing content, meta tags, URLs, images, and internal linking.

Off-Page SEO:  This includes link building, social media marketing, and guest blogging.

Analytics and Reporting: It includes tracking website traffic, keyword ranking, user behavior, and other metrics to identify opportunities for improvement.



In conclusion, learning SEO basics for beginners is an essential aspect of digital marketing that every website owner should understand. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can attract more traffic, improve your search engine ranking, and achieve your business goals. The key to successful SEO is to focus on creating high-quality and informative content, optimizing your website for both search engines and users, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. While SEO may seem daunting at first, by taking the time to learn the SEO basics for beginners and implementing the right strategies, you can achieve significant results and grow your online presence. Remember that SEO is an ongoing process that requires patience and persistence, so stay committed and monitor your results to continually improve your website’s performance.

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Abhinav Anand

Written by Abhinav

I like to put a lot of my emotions, experiences, and opinions into what I write.

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